In addition to flight training, we offer rental opportunities for our aircraft too!
Check with our dispatch team to see how you could get checked out on our aircraft prior to rental.
Membership Fees $ 280.00
Flight Instructor/Ground Briefing $ 85.00
Simulator FTD Redbird FMX $ 130.00
Cessna 172 Skyhawk [Solo] $ 185.00
Cessna 172 Skyhawk [Dual] $ 270.00
PA-34 Seneca [Dual] $ 460.00
Fuel Surcharge for Single Engine $ 15.00
Fuel Surcharge for Multi Engine $ 30.00
NOTE 1: Fees shown might change due to fuel and labor price increase. Flight 6ix Incorporated o/a Guelph Flight Centre reserves the right to amend fees without further notice.
NOTE 2: All prices doesn’t include sales tax (HST)